A beautiful summer day, Stella is waiting for her compatriots inside the rather trendy sidewalk café…
Stella: Why, Trudi, darling, how nice of you to…show up.
Trudi: Ah dahlin'! So glad to see you too! I rushed over as fast as I could... Grace mentioned that this is a very important meeting.
Stella: Yes, well, she ought to be here on time then, wouldn't you say?
Trudi: Maybe she's having some apple pie!
Stella: More likely some young idiot of a pup sidetracked her.
Trudi: Ooh.... then she'll have a tale to tell.
Stella: Gracie and her men, I could write a book about it. But why bother?
Trudi: Yes, I suppose so. Have you got a light?
Stella: Of course! Who do you think you are talking to? I never leave the house with out at least three.
Trudi: Ah thanks... I was craving a cigarette...and would you believe it - I bought a pack just yesterday and today *poof* they're gone!
Stella: You bought ONE pack you say? Silly girl, you should at least get a carton.
Trudi: You are right, as always, Stella, but what can I say, I got sidetracked at the convenience store. I saw the cutest assortment of butter cookies.
Stella: And you bought boxes of THOSE, I presume.
Trudi: Yes....but by the time I got home they were all gone.
Stella: Hm. Well, I don't know about the food here and rather wouldn't recommend the coffee but put a little alcohol in it and it passes. I just wish the waitress would be familiar with more than Irish Cream.
Trudi: Ah, Stella... you seem less sarcastic than usual. I'm so glad to see you in such a good mood!!!
Stella: Yes, well, not one of my lighters has failed me, yet, today.
Trudi: Then today is a blessed day. What are the names of the pills you were taking?
Stella: Oh those, yes, there's that too. I wouldn't remember though. They say memory loss is a sign of old age. Ha! It's simply a side effect of some of my medications.
Trudi: Mind if I have one? I don't think my day is going as good as yours...you see we ran out of my favorite cheesecake this morning! I had to have sweet tarts for breakfast instead!!!!
Stella: Yes, well, you have shared in the past, dear girl, so here you are.
Trudi: *sigh**gulp* Thank you.
Stella: It says take one a day but I find groups of five or six make them more effective.
Trudi: I agree. Mmm.... this is a good drink. I don't mind the Irish Cream actually.
Stella: Well, maybe if you were on your third like me you would.
Trudi: Wow, these pills are taking effect quite quickly.
Stella: Yes, I am sure the Irish Cream is helping. As I say, never wash down a good pill with anything but halfway decent alcohol.
Trudi: Ye-es.... *hiccup* Things look.... hmm.... a little purple.
Stella: Personally, I see it as a dark gray but, yes, they look better don't they?
Trudi: You know, I feel like I'm in a different world.... just like... in Lord of the Rings. Have you seen that one? Those hobbits are strange little people.
Stella: Yes. I thought that big battle would be occurring. All the bloodshed was such an incentive. Have to say I was a bit disappointed...
Trudi: Why?
Stella: There wasn't enough.
Trudi: Yes...I see your point....I think, *hiccup*....but the colors were well chosen for the different takes and shots... For example, the scene in the beginning at Bilbo's party: Hobbitton looked so rich and colorful! All that food!
Stella: I wouldn't know about that. The scenery was gorgeous though. Yes. We should go to New Zealand. Get one of those do nothing luxury tours.
Trudi: Do nothing....I like the concept.
Stella: Yes, we would sit back and watch the lovely scenery pass us by. But I do have to say - and I will only admit it while on these pills - that I couldn't help but keep my eyes on that blond elf.
Trudi: Ah yes....What was his name?
Stella: His name? Who cares! Only his looks mattered.
Trudi: Yes. Do you think he'd go for us? We are such a pack of great fun!
Stella: Us? Darling, are you being delusional? The elf, you can surly figure out, is MINE. The hobbits eat more. You may have The Shire.
Trudi: Yeah...but they're a bit short, no? And those feet! That was a little too realistic for me.
Stella: The easier for you to steal their food.
Trudi: Oh you always think! Of course!
Stella: Speaking of short people…
Trudi: Uh-huh?
Stella: That Harry Potter boy. He reminded me of my first love.
Trudi: Really? Tell me more - for some reason I can't picture you all happy and rose-cheeked.
Stella: Well, before I pushed him out of the tree house my ninth year.
Trudi: Oh, yes, of course....I can picture that very well. Was he all right?
Stella: His scar was slightly larger, you mind.
Trudi: He he he he
Stella: But he lived.
Trudi: Oh good. I felt so sorry for Harry in the first part of the movie. All those clothes that were too big on him, they made him look even more malnutritioned than he was.
Stella: Yes, but that fat cousin of his. Always eating. Ugh. I had to open a new pack every other scene.
Trudi: I was so angry with the Dursleys for not feeding him properly that I started yelling at them in the theatre...until I got escorted out.
Stella: You got WHAT?
Trudi: Well.... how could you keep food away from someone! That's not right. I could feel Harry's pain.
Stella: Asked out of the theater???
Trudi: Well, yes. I was yelling at the Dursleys...and only realized later that I was screaming at the screen. They're not real, you know.
Stella: How dare they ask you to leave!!!!
Trudi: I know. But I did go see it again the very next day. And anyway, I felt so hungry that I went out for a nice banana split.
Stella: You know, they tried to ask me to leave halfway through my first pack of cigarettes.
Trudi: *GASP* You're kidding! Don't they know that means suicide for you?
Stella: Exactly. Lousy good for nothing kids. Like I don't know that they are working there to make money for their heroine and cocaine habits. Indecent little narcotic brats.
Trudi: Well, they do get free popcorn.
Stella: Only you would consider that a perk, my dear.
Trudi: But overall, what did you think of the first Harry Potter film?
Stella: I thought it was charming. The three-headed dog, the two-faced man, the chess game: good violence the kids can enjoy. All it lacked was the blond elf.
Trudi: I loved the Great Hall scenes the best.
Stella: When the food appears. You would…
Trudi: You know it was a reproduction of the Great Hall in Christ Church College in Oxford, England, but 1.5 times bigger. Ah, that's my heaven! Do you think I can reserve a luxury spot like that in heaven? For the right price you can buy anything, right?
Stella: Of course, darling. Don't you question it. And even if there's no such spot, as I have heard said: I'm sure God negotiates.
Trudi: I noticed the number of fantasy movies on the rise...Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and now there’s another one coming up with dragons or something.
Stella: Yes, people apparently are tired of dreary life.
Trudi: Oh that's awful, there's so much to enjoy. But I must agree that getting to escape into a fantasy world is great, whether aided by films…or pills.
Stella: And thank goodness they've stopped the historical movies. All I need is a history lesson when I want to be entertained. I lived through half of the stuff anyway!
Trudi: Yes, those were getting a bit boring. And most of the time, they're not very accurate, right? I mean, we can remember every detail.... hey, have I taken one or two coffees so far?
Stella: I've lost count. But at least there are sequels to be seen soon. I will have to remember to pencil them in.
Trudi: Sequels! *Gasp* I love 'em.Stella: I do believe that my last drink did not have a double shot like I asked. Useless service here. Just disgraceful.
Trudi: Shall we find a new place for our next meeting? This reminds me....where's Grace?
Stella: Yes, we should. And maybe this time we should have an escort for Grace.
Trudi: *giggle**cackle*
Stella: Not than kind of escort!
Trudi: *cackle...*-ahem. Sorry.
Stella: Yes. I would expect you to make such a connection...
Trudi: Speaking of which.... I think that's her coming in!
Stella: Ah! Gracie. Decided to show up when Trudi is good and hammered. Oh, excuse me, I didn't mean to use such utterly foul language.
Grace: Ah….So sorry my dears! I was rummaging through my old trunk up in the attic and found old love letters – addressed to me, of course – and once I started reading them the time just flew by.
Trudi: Oh! If only we had time to listen to your memories. But, I’m afraid that our meeting has come to an end. *hiccup*
Stella: Yes. I don’t think Trudi could handle another Irish Cream coffee. Besides, we were just discussing changing our meeting place. The service here is absolutely dreadful.
Trudi: She is in such a good mood today, don’t you think?
Grace: Oh, that’s too bad. I thought you would be up for one of my stories. *Sigh* Well, I guess I’ll have to tell you next time. But you must promise me to read some good books to discuss. The topic for our next meeting will be fiction. *Giggle*
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